For every business, a custom-tailored solution
Unlocked is able to support customers throughout the entire life cycle of application and technology platforms. For us this means to feel partner of our customers in all activities that fall within the IT Services, providing reliable services that can evolve and be updated over time.
Unlocked uses the more ‘established Project Management methodologies for project management and is ITIL compliant to ensure proper management of IT platforms.
Our main objective is to support the client in the process of transformation and technological evolution, to successfully achieve the objectives of their IT modernization and upgrade projects.
Unlocked is certified Oracle Gold Partner. Many years of experience on Oracle products and services characterizes the activity of Unlocked, but without losing sight of the philosophy of system integration that has always guided our approach to the world of IT solutions.

The activity of Unlocked can be divided into two areas of reference:
Technology Area
Unlocked is a System Integrator focused in Oracle technologies, offering a Customer-tailored approach that helps to identify from time to time the most suitable technologies for individual companies. For the Customer this means concrete benefits: optimization of internal resources, reduction of hardware / software costs and the safety of professional management.
We design, implement and manage IT infrastructures based on Oracle technologies
Database Oracle on premise or on CLOUD architecture (IaaS – Infrastructure as a service and Paas – Db System and Autonomous Database)
Virtualization – Oracle VM and KVM
Oracle E-Business Suite on premise and in cloud (IaaS)
Lift & Shift of premise applications to cloud
Application Area
The project and management skills cover all the components and versions of the Oracle ERP solution, both on-premise with E-Business Suite (R11 and R12) and with Oracle Fusion Cloud.
In cloud-oriented architectures, Unlocked is able to offer full-cloud or hybrid solutions, using native integration tools (Oracle Integration Cloud) that allow business processes to operate transversely (cloud or on premise indifferently).
In addition, the in-depth knowledge of the application development tools and the experience gained over time in the creation of additional specific functions for the Customers, enables us to be expert in the development of ad hoc applications or in the extension of the ERP Cloud, using on-Premise or Cloud architectures (PaaS – Platform as a Service).
Activities are delivered in two ways: as projects or as services
Unlocked follows the development of projects using the most current project management methodologies.
Once the solutions best suited to the Customer’s needs have been identified, these are then used in a project.
By adapting to the rapidly changing context, even IT projects must necessarily follow Agile approaches, while maintaining the solid foundations in the principles of classic Project Management. The prototype approach allows to manage projects in a more flexible way, also ensuring the shortening of the life cycle and reaching the goal in a more collaborative way with the Customer.
Unlocked uses the most consolidated Project Management methodologies for project management and it is ITIL Compliant.
The management of on premise IT platforms requires corrective and evolutive maintenance both on the technological and on the application side. The support model guarantees remote and on-site assistance, according to the different situations and Customer needs. The services offered can be the natural follow-up to a project implementation or become the beginning of a lasting collaboration with a partnership approach.
In the context of cloud adoption, Unlocked supports the Customer in choosing which processes or modules could migrate to the cloud. Oracle Fusion Cloud is updated every 3 months, Unlocked helps the Customer to discover what features could be adopted from time to time, with a view to create ‘value added’ to the IT services offered to the Customer.
The search for continuous process improvement is the basis of the service offered by Unlocked to its Customers.